Soda from nail fungus on feet

Among the remedies against nail fungus folk medicine soda from nail fungus on feet occupies a leading position. A food product in a short time is able to remove the itching, burning sensation, reduce inflammation and soothes injured skin, and plates.

soda when fungus nails

It acts like a soda on the mushrooms

Soda or sodium bicarbonate works in the body acid-alkaline balance and is able to create an unfavorable environment for pathogenic microflora.

How does the soda:

  • it produces an antibacterial effect – disinfects the affected places;
  • softens the skin and nail plate, penetrates deep into the hearth of infection;
  • dries trouble spots, prevents the spread of fungus to healthy nails and skin;
  • reduces the level of acidity in the places of localization of the infection, that the killer for mold.

Baking soda is relieves the division of mold spores and inhibit its further development.

Recipes with baking soda against the nail fungus on your feet

In the fight with the mold foot (mycosis) and nails (onichamykóza) soda is used:

  • in dried form;
  • in the form of a solution;
  • like a paste.

Depending on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the organism a substance you can add to your baby shower, do therapeutic aids and compresses, but also combined with other useful ingredients (salt, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, economic soap).

Baths with baking soda against the nail fungus

To prepare the treatment solution for the bath, it is necessary to:

  • into 2 liters of boiled water (37-40 °C) or decoction of calendula, dilute 50 g of baking soda;
  • carefully stir until dissolved in water;
  • the prepared liquid pour into the prepared pans for the legs.

In soda custom to dip the soles of the feet and wait until the water has cooled down completely. Then the legs, rinse under running water, pat dry with a towel and process the scarred place of potato starch or these process of powdering.

baths with baking soda

Soda ointment with mint

Fresh peppermint leaves to be clean crushed to a pulp and mix with salt and baking soda (1 tsp). A homogeneous mass lay between the fingers and damaged nails, leave on for 25-35 minutes. The procedures to do 1 times per day until complete healing.

The combination of mint with baking soda and salt allows you to quickly remove the itching, eliminate the burning sensation and feelings of pain, soothe and disinfect problematic areas.

Toothpaste with aloe and baking soda

50 grams of sodium bicarb to add a little water to creamy consistency. In a dense mass pour 15 ml of juice of the aloe and mix thoroughly.

The finished pasta have to delete a nail plate for half an hour to sleep. After the tool dries and is absorbed into the cottage cheese legs to wet it.

The course of treatment – from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Soda and economic soap

Excellent property of softening has the solution with baking soda and soap. For its preparation it is necessary to 3 l of warm water (no more than 37 degrees) dissolve 15 g of soap, and 30 g of soda. The finished liquid to steam the legs for 10-15 minutes. After the cut he hit a nail and handle it with vinegar or iodine.

Treatment in this manner last until the regrowth of a healthy nail.

Aids with baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide

In 1 liter of warm water dissolve 100 g of bicarbonate soda (to repay vinegar), add 200 ml of peroxide and 150 ml of 9% of th vinegar. In the final solution, wet cotton pads, put on the diseased nails and secure the patch. Bandage change every 6-8 hours. To cure the fungus in this way it is possible for 35-40 days.

Soda and iodine

On the pan pour the heated up to 40 degrees of water, add 50 grams of sodium bicarb and 7 drops of alcohol solution of iodine. All mix and rise in such liquid legs less than 10 minutes. After the procedure, clean up the problem spots from the stratum corneum and to process the hydrogen, let it dry separately.

The recipe helps to get rid of fungal disease during the month.

soda from the mold

Herbal baths with baking soda and salt

The softening of the skin, to decontaminate the affected area and reduce the inflammation, help the solution of the bicarbonate in combination with table salt.

Way of cooking:

  • make a decoction of 2 l water, chamomile, succession, and the bark of oak (on 30 g of each component);
  • in the cooled to 37 degrees, the liquid add 3 tbsp of soda and as much salt, stir until their complete dissolution;
  • drain the solution, pour into the pan and continue in the procedure.

Feet in such baths need to be 25-30 minutes, then the maximum cut he hit a nail and handle the problematic place of vinegar, peroxide, or iodine. The drug kills fungal bacteria and preventing their active development.

Important! Lemonade therapy is an effective auxiliary means in a complex treatment struggle with onichamykóza and sponge stop. Recipes using sodium bicarb can be combined, alternate. What is the most important, before you start treatment consult with a doctor and agree with him all the treatment options.

Baking soda kills the pathogenic microflora, regulates the acid-alkaline balance in the body and prevents the reproduction of fungal infection. Its use in the fight with onichamykóza gives the opportunity to quickly cope with an unpleasant disease and permanently prevent recurrence.